Spontaneous moments of reflection in which different walks of life (farmers, fishers, merchants, artisans, laborers) started to talk to each other, have always played an important role in difficult times of the Dutch history. Think of the rise of the Society for the Utility in General (i.e. in dutch: de Maatschappij voor het Nut van het Algemeen) when the Fourth English War around 1784 had completely stripped the Dutch Republic. Her objective: "To promote the participation of all citizens in social life". This Society had three great strengths: a decentralized organizational form, an a-political attitude, and accessible to all. At the same time as a dialogue, it has also triggered an enormous flow of money from notables to economically important community services like education, libraries, urban allotments, insurance, news agencies. To strengthen the community, yes, but through this sowing of confidence, many companies and services came into being, governments were able to expand, and half a century later the leap to mechanization and industrialisation passed in the Netherlands much more quietly than in surrounding countries. Because that is the trick: constantly giving each other the opportunity to verbalize what's the worry.

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